
HAV (bunions) and claw toes

Bunions and claw toes are treated according to stage (phase) in which it is located.

At the beginning or before, if you know that there is a history in your family, it is best to carry out a good biomechanical examination by a specialized podiatrist to find what is causing it and be able to apply the best treatment to prevent it from going further.

Bunion Treatment in Santa Pola

When we have had a bunion for several years (if it is very painful or it bothers us aesthetically) we will need a good orientation in surgery, the same as with claw toes, since it is the only way to return the foot and toes to an adequate shape. Of course, it will always be necessary to carry out (before and after surgery) a biomechanical examination to find out the origin and treat it as well. It doesn't make sense to have surgery if we don't treat the main cause, because the deformity will come back.

At Policlínica del Río-Hortega we have the best advice in podiatric surgery.

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