Gynecology and Obstetrics

At our Santa Pola Clinic, we have a Specialized Unit in Gynecology and Obstetrics directed by Dr. Velasco. Our dedication to women's health is reflected in the comprehensive care we offer throughout life. From adolescence to menopause, our priority is the well-being of our patients.

Our highly experienced medical team uses some of the best ultrasound equipment on the market, along with other advanced diagnostic tests. This allows us to not only provide excellent care during pregnancy and childbirth preparation, but also address a wide range of gynecological needs throughout a woman's life.

At Clínica del Río-Hortega, we are proud to offer health care services. Gynecology and Obstetrics high quality in Santa Pola. We are committed to providing personalized and comprehensive treatment that adapts to the individual needs of each patient. Your health and well-being are our top priority. Trust us for your gynecological and obstetric care in Santa Pola!




Clínica del Río-Hortega has a comprehensive gynecology service. This service is divided into different specialties in order to fully assist women from their adolescence to the end of their lives, by the hand of our gynecologist, Dr. Velasco.



We carry out a comprehensive follow-up of the pregnancy, from the first consultation to the preparation for childbirth and the follow-up after the baby is born. To ensure the well-being of the mother and the future infant, carry out a comprehensive follow-up of all events prior to delivery.


Gynecology and Obstetrics Review

Gynecological check-ups are recommended from the age of 25 or after the start of the first sexual relations. Once the first consultation has been carried out, they should be carried out once a year.

During these visits, an integral evaluation of the female genital apparatus is carried out. Normally an appointment with the gynecologist includes a breast examination, abdominal examination, a bimanual touch, speculoscopy with cytology and gynecological ultrasound for evaluation of the uterus and ovaries. It is vitally important to take a detailed medical history with the patient's personal, family and gynecological history of interest in order to make a more accurate diagnosis and monitor it.

The importance of these reviews lies in the early diagnosis of possible diseases related to the intimacy of women and their reproductive system, thus preventing them from evolving into more complex phases.

Gynecology and Obstetrics

First gynecological consultation at Clínica del Río-Hortega in Santa Pola


Our gynecological team will be able to advise you on the contraceptive methods available that best suit you and your partner. This query is known as Family planning.

It is very important to know the risks of having unprotected sex and not correctly using the contraceptive methods that are recommended. This is solved with information and advice.

The contraceptives They are methods that prevent pregnancy and, in some cases, the transmission of infectious diseases. We currently have an infinite number of methods and the choice of one or the other will depend on your relationship or your specific personal needs. The most common are barrier methods such as male condom, oral hormonal contraceptives, vaginal ring, transdermal patch, the intrauterine device (IUD), The subcutaneous implant and tubal ligation.

Gynecology and Obstetrics

Family planning at Clínica del Río-Hortega in Santa Pola

cervical pathology

This service includes injuries and infections that occur in the neck of the uterus. It is essential to make an early diagnosis of precancerous lesions of cervical cancer since if they are allowed to evolve, they could end up developing cervical cancer. This is done through the Via/ Villi. This is a technique that studies the surface of the cervix under a microscope after applying some reagents, with which we can see if there are affected areas and perform a biopsy if necessary.

Gynecology and Obstetrics

Consultation with the gynecologist at Clínica del Río-Hortega in Santa Pola

Pelvic Floor

The muscles and ligaments of women, over the years and naturally, they lose strength and elasticity. In addition, other external factors such as pregnancy, childbirth, tobacco or obesity, among others, aggravate the problems related to pelvic floor.

We understand the pelvic floor as the set of muscles and ligaments that form the lower part of the pelvis and what they hold el uterus, the bladder, the urethra and straight. We have to start worrying about our pelvic floor if we show symptoms of urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, or sexual dysfunction.

The best treatment to strengthen the pelvic floor is the same prevention of muscle weakness, through guided exercises by professionals good eating habits. The treatment itself will depend on each specific case. Normally, in the mildest cases, physiotherapy helps a lot to solve our pelvic floor problems and, in more serious cases, we will need surgical intervention.

Pelvic floor strengthening with the help of physiotherapy

Breast Pathology

La self exploration from the mom It is a technique by which each woman can know the normality of our breasts and detect any anomaly. These alterations that we detected should be treated by a gynecologist or a qualified professional in the matter.

If you detect any of these anomalies, do not hesitate to book your appointment with us for a comprehensive breast exam:

  • palpation of lumps or mass on the breast or armpit
  • Secretions spontaneous by the nipple
  • induration o redness from the mom
  • Retraction of the nipple
  • Pain persistent in the breast

Breast palpation by the gynecologist to examine possible alterations


Menopause is that period between between the 45 and the 55 years of age that every woman experiences. It is due to the cessation of ovarian activity and is characterized by the end of menstruation.

The main symptoms that can warn us that it is menopause are:

  • Hot flushes
  • mood disturbance
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Sleep disturbances

There are various treatments and activities that we can carry out so that this stage is as comfortable as possible, but we have to study each case specifically. Hence the importance of consulting with your gynecologist about your particular situation.

Patient consultation with her gynecologist to discuss menopause issues

Vaginal Infections

Vaginal infections can come for countless reasons. They consist basically when pathogenic microorganisms settle in our vaginal flora. The most common alerts to identify them are:

  • vaginal itching
  • Burning and genital inflammation
  • Alterations in the color, quantity and odor of the vaginal discharge
  • Pain when urinating (dysuria)
  • Pain with intercourse (dyspareunia)

We recommend go to a gynecologist as soon as possible when you experience any of these alterations in your intimate area.

Find a solution to your vaginal infections at Clínica del Río-Hortega

Menstrual disorders

Any vaginal bleeding or absence of it leads us to an alteration of our menstruation. If this occurs regularly, you should visit your gynecologist to rule out major problems.

The reasons for consultation main are:

  • rules superior to 8 days
  • Cycles less than 21 days or greater than 45
  • derivative bleeding of relationships sexuales
  • breakthrough bleeding (spotting) with taking contraceptives
  • Amenorrhea (absence of periods) more than 3 months
  • Amenorrhea (absence of period) at 16 years of age

Visit your gynecologist for a professional assessment of your particular case



Preconception Consultation

The main objective of the preconceptional care is to promote the women's health and the baby's what will come. It is based on women's health first, on the Risk assessment that pregnancy can generate in each specific case and in the actions that we will undertake if we detect any risk or illness.
If you are thinking of becoming pregnant, the first step is check that everything is ok. In the first consultation we will try to make sure that your female reproductive system is healthy and we will rule out possible pathologies, cysts and diseases. We will also make a analytics to know what state we start from and control the mismatches of pregnancy when it arrives. We will also train you for the next stage and we will recommend you eating guidelines and healthier lifestyle habits to follow.

First consultation with the gynecologist before getting pregnant

Consultations during pregnancy

Welcome to one of the most beautiful stages of your life as a mother. Us We will accompany you throughout the pregnancy and we will give you the necessary guidelines so that it goes as it should go. Therefore, it is vitally important to carry out a comprehensive monitoring of you and the baby and monitor everything to make sure you are healthy and the future baby is developing correctly.

We will divide these consultations by weeks, where as your pregnancy progresses we will study various parameters with analysis, fetal DNA test, ultrasound...  You can see all these phases here.

Gynecologist at Clínica del Río-Hortega performing an ultrasound on a pregnant woman

Postpartum consultations

After childbirth, we often find ourselves lost and have many questions about whether we are really ensuring the well-being of our baby and that of ourselves. It is necessary to go to our gynecologist after childbirth to verify that our intimate areas have recovered correctly after the period of pregnancy and childbirth. It is a magical moment but also very intense and we need to know that everything has gone well.

In addition, after childbirth there may be hormonal imbalances and variations in our body. It is important to be attentive to them and control them so that everything back to normal as soon as possible. From this stage onwards, what should concern us the most is caring for our baby and, therefore, in order to enjoy everything else, we have to be well.

Consultations made by the mother about her well-being and that of her baby to the gynecologist



Gynecological Review
cervical pathology
Pelvic Floor
Breast Pathology
Vaginal Infections
Menstrual Disturbance


Preconception Consultation

get it with us

Pregnancy consultations

Live a quiet stage

Postpartum consultations

Back to normal