Health benefits of resistance

In the previously published article we saw the relationship between the fitness and health in a global way, and we talk about the different qualities of resistance in health. In this article, we will talk about one of these physical capacities, resistance, and how training it can produce considerable health benefits.

Endurance is the physical and psychological capacity that we have to withstand fatigue during prolonged efforts and to recover quickly once completed. There are different types and classifications of resistance, we will define two. According to metabolic criteria we will distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic resistance.

La aerobic resistance They are those continuous efforts, which are usually characterized by cyclical movements, such as running, swimming, skating or skiing, among others. Obtaining energy is produced mainly by aerobic processes, oxygen is used to obtain energy from glycogen and fats, and H2O and CO2 are obtained as waste, through this reaction a lot of energy is obtained and is called aerobic glycolysis.

La anaerobic resistance on the contrary, it uses anaerobic processes to obtain energy because the efforts are of greater intensity and shorter duration. To obtain energy more quickly, our metabolism cannot obtain it aerobically. This process is called anaerobic glycolysis, obtaining energy occurs without oxygen and produces as waste lactic acid, which is a toxic substance for our body (for this reason we recommend that in case of anaerobic training, you finish the session by doing a few minutes of continuous running at low intensity to reuse the lactic acid produced).

What are the health benefits of resistance?

Once the two types of resistance have been defined, we will now discuss the adaptations that occur in our organism and the benefits from training of resistance. As a result of the regular practice of resistance, the following benefits are obtained:

  • Cardiac hypertrophy (enlargement of the heart due to increased muscle mass).
  • Increased capacity of the heart.
  • Drop in blood pressure.
  • Improved circulation (prevention of varicose veins).
  • Increased number of red blood cells.
  • Increases lung capacity.
  • It improves the metabolism of fats and decreases their level in the blood.
  • Increases VO2max (maximal oxygen consumption)
  • Improves the immune system.
  • It serves as prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer's, depression, anxiety and certain types of cancer.

For all this, we recommend that you include resistance sessions in your training programs. According to many scientific studies, with 30 minutes of physical activity every or most days significant improvements are obtained. In addition, it does not matter so much whether they are followed or divided into sessions of 10 to 15 minutes, what matters is the total volume of the day, so there are no excuses for taking time out when training.

Parallel to this, it is essential to have a specialized service in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, to compensate possible training loads and avoid, as far as possible, losing rhythm due to physical problems. In addition, before starting with high loads of physical efforts, we must carry out a Biomechanical Exploration and Evaluation, to know well the study of our footprint and, if necessary, make individualized podiatric insoles. Templates They are special orthotic devices to treat various disorders of the foot, helping to correct an abnormal function during walking.

Your health will depend on the quality of your training. Don't leave it for tomorrow and train today.

How to improve performance and health?

There are many ways to improve physical and mental resistance and achieve optimal performance in your health.. However, it is important to note that there is no magic solution to achieve this. The most effective is to approach health in a comprehensive manner, considering all areas and always seeking the advice of qualified professionals. Therefore, here we share some useful tips to improve your physical resistance, but it is important that you always take care of yourself and inform yourself properly. At Clínica del Río-Hortega we will help you meet your objectives in the short, medium or long term.

No single treatment is as forceful or as satisfactory for the patient as the combination of the most appropriate for each person. By individualizing the treatment we achieve better results and in less time.

Come visit us and start el change!

How to Improve Physical Resistance?

Physical endurance refers to an individual's ability to perform physical activities in a sustained manner for a given period of time. This ability is important to maintain good health and improve quality of life. We will continue sharing different tips and strategies to improve your physical resistance and achieve your goals.

With greater physical resistance, your health will improve

Incorporate strength exercises

In addition to resistance exercises, it's also important to incorporate strength exercises into your training routine. Muscular strength is essential to improve physical endurance, as it strengthens the muscles and allows them to work more efficiently during prolonged physical activities.

Eat a balanced diet

Diet also plays an important role in physical endurance. A balanced diet rich in protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats can help improve stamina and prevent fatigue.

Drink enough water

Water is essential to maintain adequate hydration during training and prevent fatigue. Be sure to drink enough water before, during, and after exercise to maintain good hydration.

Track your progress

Finally, it's important to track your progress and set realistic goals. By monitoring your progress, you can identify areas where you need to improve and adjust your training routine accordingly.

How to Improve Mental Stamina?

Mental resilience refers to the ability to maintain focus and a positive outlook in the face of challenges and stressful situations. Strong mental stamina can be essential for personal and professional success, as well as general health and well-being. Here are some tips to improve mental stamina.

If your psychology is fine, your body will be fine.

Keep a positive outlook

Maintaining a positive outlook is key to building mental stamina. Instead of focusing on problems, try to find solutions and see challenges as opportunities for growth and improvement. It is also helpful to practice gratitude and acknowledge the good things in your life.

Develop a meditation or mindfulness practice

Meditation and mindfulness can help reduce stress and improve concentration. Try to spend some time each day doing a meditation or mindfulness practice, such as focusing on your breath or an object.

Exercising regularly will improve your mental stamina

Yes, to help improve mental stamina, it is also good to exercise regularly. In addition, exercise releases endorphins that improve mood and reduce anxiety.

Track your thoughts

Track your thoughts and acknowledge those that are negative or self-critical. Try to replace them with more positive and realistic thoughts.

Seek support from professionals

In an increasingly stressful and demanding world, it is important to take care of not only our physical health but also our mental health. Mental resilience plays an important role in our ability to face challenges and maintain emotional balance. Although it is possible to improve mental resistance independently, professional help can be very effective. A psychologist or therapist can help you identify weak points and develop effective strategies to strengthen mental resilience.

Increase your physical and mental resistance by resting properly

It is important to take breaks between exercises to allow the body to recover and improve mental and physical endurance. Rest also helps prevent injury and muscle fatigue. Get enough sleep so you don't feel tired and have energy throughout the day. If you're having trouble falling asleep, try changing your sleep habits, such as turning off electronic devices before bed.

In summary, to improve resistance and therefore your health is essential both for performance in physical activities and for general health. Incorporating resistance and strength exercises, maintaining a balanced diet, drinking enough water, and tracking your progress are keys to improving physical endurance.

Start today to improve your physical resistance and feel stronger and healthier!


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