Group Therapy in Santa Pola


Group therapy is a therapeutic and psychological modality that is based on take advantage of the therapeutic value of social interactions between people who share a number of characteristics.

One of the positive aspects of this type of therapy is that it the group can become a great support for the person. The experience of sharing emotions and experiences in a place where the person feels understood is positive and can also favor change. The sessions, modulated by the psychologist, serve to train social and coping skills, share experiences and offer mutual support. Above all, in the case of people who do not have a solid support network or whose environment does not understand the situation they are going through.

Group therapy in Santa Pola

Advantages of Group Therapy compared to individual:

  • Equal situation: By feeling accompanied by people who are going through a situation similar or equal to yours, participation and group cohesion will increase.
  • Sense of belonging: By feeling that you are part of a group in which you are respected and valued, your self-esteem can increase.
  • Learning from the experiences of the other members of the group: Through group therapy, you will be able to share your experiences and, at the same time, learn from the successes and mistakes of other people.
  • Possibility to practice: If, for example, we find ourselves before a work group that intends to improve social skills, certain situations will be put into practice that help people gain confidence (role-playing).

Who can go to Group Therapy?

At present, group therapy is carried out both in a complementary way to individual therapy, and exclusively. Furthermore, they are multiple motivations for which you can go to group therapy: group to work on self-esteem, group to work on social skills, addiction group, memory workshop for dementia patients, etc.

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