Nutrition for Pregnant Women in Santa Pola


During pregnancy, food plays an essential role Since food is the one that will cover our energy needs, not only in the gestational woman, but will also influence the health and well-being of the future baby.

Una nutrition consultation for pregnant women It does not consist of designing a special, restrictive diet, or directly eliminating the consumption of certain foods unless there is a medical or nutritional problem, it is treated in adjust the diet to the physiological state and personal characteristics of the mother in question.

Nutrition advice for pregnant women in Santa Pola

In consultation we will address all doubts about food at this stage:

  • How much weight do I have to take?
  • What foods do I have to avoid?
  • Should we “eat for two”?
  • Do I have to take supplementation?
  • What are the foods that change the taste of milk?
  • and a long etcetera that every pregnant woman wonders...

In the first consultation we will carry out a nutritional questionnaire to collect both pathological and feeding data in order to improve the quality of the mother's diet to promote the growth and development of the baby.

We will carry out the reviews once a month to address the problems or symptoms that may arise and make the pertinent adaptations of the diet in order to aim of always improving the health of the mother, the quality of the placenta, maintaining a good level of energy throughout the pregnancy, and prevent and reduce problems such as gestational diabetes, obesity, hypertension and preeclampsia, vomiting or nausea, reflux, anemia, fluid retention, constipation or even premature births.

During the Breastfeeding, The mother's diet must be fully consistent with the nutritional requirements of both her and the baby and these needs will evolve as the newborn demands. Therefore, the objective is nothing more than to cover these energy demands both in quantity and quality of food, in order to achieve the best production of breast milk.

Taking care of your diet, you will be taking care of the health of your baby.