Types of laser hair removal

Types of laser hair removal: choose the best

Have you ever wished you could get rid of body hair permanently?, laser hair removal may be the answer. This innovative cosmetic treatment is a fast and safe way to remove unwanted excess hair and will, in most cases, lead to a permanent reduction in hair growth. Keep in mind that there are several types of laser hair removal, but they all have one purpose: pulses of light are used to attack the dark pigment (in this case, the one that makes hair grow). without damaging the surrounding skin. Many people are concerned about safety issues when it comes to the different types of laser hair removal, but rest assured that they are completely safe when performed by experts who follow strict protocols. We propose you the reasons why you should consider going to one of the laser hair removal centers and get the treatment. Río-Hortega Clinic is an aesthetic medicine (and wellness, in general) clinic, located in Santa Pola. Read on to learn about the advantages and prices of laser hair removal.

It is fast and efficient

A small area of ​​unwanted body hair it is permanently deleted in a single session. If you are looking for a solution for facial hair, one session may be enough. It depends on the thickness and type of hair. You can also choose to remove larger areas of hair in a series of sessions. The number of treatments you will need depends on the type of hair you have and where you want to remove it from. Laser hair removal machines are completely safe, plus it is a quick procedure as you can expect to spend 15-45 minutes in the clinic during the procedure. If, for example, you choose legs, arms and armpits, it is normal to spend about 45 minutes inside. Unlike other hair removal techniques, such as waxing, it is not necessary to repeat the procedure once the sessions are finished, so it is considered permanent laser hair removal. It will also depend on the types of laser hair removal. Rio-Hortega Clinic is one of the laser hair removal centers. It has a pulsed light (IPL) treatment and a Diode, Alexandrite and Soprano laser hair removal system. Consult our wide variety of available techniques by visiting our website or ask us for information. 

laser hair removal machines

No more razor cuts and irritation

Unlike shaving and other forms of hair removal, none of the types of laser hair removal does not cause bumps, redness or irritation. These problems are often caused by shaving, especially if you have sensitive skin. They can make you self-conscious and can be unsightly. Instead, laser hair removal allows you to remove unwanted hair from the roots, which means you never have to worry about razor cuts again. It should be borne in mind that laser hair removal is not suitable for legs that have undergone waxing a few days before. You have to come shaved to the appointment. 

If you have sensitive skin, these types of laser hair removal are a great option. to remove unwanted hair from the face, legs and bikini area. You can also remove hair from larger areas, such as the arms or chest, in virtually any area. And don't worry, when you undergo these types of laser hair removal, your clinic will use a cooling device to minimize any discomfort or irritation. By the way, if you have sensitive skin and are prone to irritation, take a look at the following blog, because it will interest you:

Laser hair removal: our recommendations

Types of laser hair removal work on many areas of the body

It is an excellent solution for remove hair from many areas of the body. Laser hair removal machines can be used to remove hair from the armpits, legs, arms, back, face, and bikini line. Laser hair removal for men is often used to treat larger areas of the body, such as the back, arms, legs, and chest. Also often used to treat smaller areas such as the face, underarms and bikini line. People with darker skin often worry about the side effects of laser hair removal. They often find that laser hair removal is less effective because the darker pigment in the skin absorbs the light from the laser. However, a good cosmetic clinic can avoid this by using a higher energy laser with a wider beam.

How much does laser hair removal cost?

It is safe and completely painless

Laser hair removal is a safe and effective non-invasive aesthetic procedure. With regard to security, the laser depilation It is often compared to electrolysis, another hair removal procedure that uses an electrical current to destroy hair follicles. Unlike electrolysis, laser hair removal does not require lengthy treatment sessions and it is completely painless. After the consultation, you will be offered all the instructions that you must follow after the treatment, such as applying Aloe Vera to the skin to avoid irritation. Unlike electrolysis, laser hair removal is completely painless. Read on to learn more about the types of laser hair removal.

No risk of discoloration or scarring

Many other hair removal techniques they can cause burning or discoloration, especially if you have sensitive skin. This can lead to scarring and unsightly marks. Instead, laser hair removal does not cause discoloration or scarring. Although rare, there is a possibility of burns while undergoing the laser depilation. However, they are usually mild and can be treated with an antiseptic and an ice pack. As with all types of aesthetic treatments, there is a small risk of infection. But don't worry, it's unlikely to happen to you. Always check the laser hair removal center reviews and stay with the best. 

The results are permanent

La laser hair removal for men and women It is based on the principle that hair grows in cycles. It targets the dark pigment in the hair shafts, which is what causes hair to grow. Once the hair is treated by the laser, it stops growing permanently. Since laser hair removal acts on the hair root, It is one of the most effective and long-lasting hair removal techniques that exist. The results are long-lasting and permanent. In some cases, new hair may grow in the treated area. This can happen if you treat the area too soon or if you are genetically predisposed to growing more hair. When this occurs, you can simply undergo another session. 


The types of laser hair removal are a quick and easy way to get rid of unwanted body hair, and the results are final. Many people choose to undergo this type of procedure because they have sensitive skin and other hair removal techniques cause irritation and discoloration. It is important to choose a specialized and professional clinic that has the best equipment. Do you want to know more about laser hair removal? contact with Hortega River Clinic to receive detailed information. You can also visit the website. 

Trust us

In our Clinic in Santa Pola find laser hair removal treatments carried out by the best professionals. Contact us from our website and fill the form. You can book your appointment by phone / WhatsApp 648 116 134, or write to info@clinicadelriohortega.es. We are at C/ Almirante Antequera 34, Santa Pola, Alicante.