supraspinatus tendonitis

Supraspinatus Tendonitis, is one of the most common pathologies due to the rotation and abduction function. It is an inflammation of the tendinous part of the muscle, which causes pain at the beginning of the movement when raising the arm. It can also cause pain in the neck due to its location above the scapula.

It is very typical in women dedicated to cleaning and in impact sports such as paddle tennis or effort such as in crossfit; also in administrative, computer-related jobs... due to the poor ergonomics that the body tends to adopt.

It usually appears when the arm is loaded and worsens at night, usually giving reflex pain to the lateral and upper arm.

Its treatment is very varied, starting with maintaining rest, the training of NSAIDs* plus a rehabilitation treatment and physiotherapy. C.It will consist of mobilizations, anti-inflammatory therapy (electrotherapy and magnetotherapy, among others) and strengthening the muscle so that the injury does not appear again later.

It is a pathology that usually improves with conservative treatment, but if it does not improve and the lesion worsens, it usually ends in arthroscopic surgery, which must be followed up with rehabilitation treatment.

*NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)