Renew driving license. Official medical and psychotechnical certificates

If you are going to renew driving license Or are you going to take it off, this interests you. In addition to showing that you are excellent at driving your vehicle, you are responsible and so on, there are other requirements. One of the main ones is medical examination of drivers. What is it for? Well, to prove that you have the appropriate physical and psychological aptitudes that guarantee both your safety and that of others. So here we will explain what the medical certificate for drivers consists of and where you can get one.

What is the medical examination for drivers to renew the driver's license?

Whether driving is a piece of cake for you, or if you are someone without much experience, it is important that you know this. When you drive, a number of things and situations occur that can put you and others at risk. This means that you must be alert at all times to have a quick reaction and avoid any unwanted situation. And for this, you must have a capacity to react to the stimuli that surround you.

How to guarantee the above? By carrying out a medical examination that you are requested to get your driver's license. These are different tests that seek to prevent certain conditions (health, age, etc.) from compromising your safety. And not only yours, but third parties. If you look at it with optimism, it is having a guarantee that works in favor of all parties involved.

Where can I go to get an official medical and psychotechnical certificate?

At the Río Hortega Polyclinic. We are a multidisciplinary clinic that covers different areas of health and well-being. Within them are the psychology area and also the granting and processing of medical examinations. One of the advantages of going with us is that we take care of all the paperwork. So you only have to go to our clinic once to manage everything.

In the case of the driver's license renewalYou just have to go to our clinic with your DNI or NIE, and that's it! We take care of the medical/psychotechnical examination, of your photo and also of the corresponding telematic processing. So you no longer have to go to the DGT and you know what? We do not charge you extra for it. If you are worried about what to do in the meantime, we will give you a temporary authorization to drive, until you receive your new license.

Medical certificates for driving license in Santa Pola.

In case that Are you applying for your driver's license for the first time?, before your theoretical exam, contact us. We are the Río Hortega Polyclinic. Us We take care of the medical or psychotechnical examination, as we mentioned before. We offer you special prices that include both the cost of the psychotechnician and the photo, and of course, we take care of everything. But we also offer other medical examinations. Check our website and fill the form.