10 recommendations to strengthen our immune system

At this time, given the situation we are experiencing To combat the Coronavirus, it is very important to maintain the proper functioning of the digestive system. You know why? Because it is the key to maintaining a good immune system.

from our unit Nutrition and Dietetics and, we propose some general guidelines to carry out during these days of confinement.

Now more than ever we must take care of ourselves.

10 recommendations for strengthen our immune system.

Healthy recommendations. Río-Hortega Polyclinic in Santa Pola.
Be well hydrated.The consumption of alcoholic beverages, including, of course, wine and beer, is not recommended
Eat 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day.Preferably seasonal and local.

  • Fruit: 3 servings a day (prioritize citrus fruits such as strawberries, kiwi, orange...)
  • Vegetable: 2 servings a day
  • eat legumes
  • Whole grains
  • pseudocereals
  • 2-3 times a week.
  • Bread, pasta, rice, etc.
  • Quinoa, millet, buckwheat, etc.
Choosing Fermented Dairy Products Fermented milk, yogurt, kefir (preferably natural).
Consume foods of animal origin in moderation
  • Meat: 2/3 times a week (prioritize turkey, chicken, rabbit)
  • Fish: 2/3 times a week
  • Avoid sausages or cold cuts
  • Supplement with plant-based protein (textured soy, tofu, tempeh).
Eat eggs.Preferably organic. You can take up to one egg a day.
Consume nuts, seeds, olive oil and avocado as a source of natural fat.Choose natural or roasted nuts
Avoid convenience foods and fast foodDue to its high content of saturated fat, processed flour and sugar.
Use healthy cooking techniquesIron, roast, steam, boiled, stews.
The quality of our food Nor worry about the number of meals you eat per day and worry about eating good quality food.

In addition to these recommendations, it is also very positive to carry out an exercise routine from home, it will help us maintain physical shape and serve as an escape.

From Río-Hortega Polyclinic   #YoMeQuedoEnCasa #TodoVaaSalirBien