Chiropody, eliminate hyperkeratosis of the feet

Many times we do not give correct or adequate care to our feet, until some discomfort occurs. Simply when there are calluses, the product of inadequate footwear, discomfort, pain and even serious injuries are caused. In these cases, la pedicure It is the most recommended podiatric treatment. What it does is remove calluses and properly trim the toenails, as well as possible alterations. If what you are looking for is a specialist in chiropody, at Policlínica del Río Hortega we offer you the most specialized care.

In which cases go to a chiropodist

If you have calluses due to your footwear or any alteration in your footprint, as well as in the event that you have ingrown toenails. Or if you present delamination of hyperkeratosis (hardness on the feet). Treat plantar helomas, a lesion caused by hyperkeratosis that looks like a callus or wart, but grows from deep layers of the skin. This problem is also known as "chicken eye".

The chiropodist is the specialist in treating all these types of foot problems. He also has the knowledge and experience to use certain devices for treatment. For example, milling of heels or even the application of adequate hydration of the feet and a relaxing massage. The specialist will also be able to review certain types of dermatological problems present, be they fungi or papillomas.

Chiropody in Santa Pola

Foot conditions tend to occur above all in adulthood, but they also occur in young people. For example, when they wear inappropriate footwear or are athletes. If you present some type of hyperkeratosis where the skin of your feet is thickened, go to an appointment. You may think it's just a cosmetic problem (because hard skin doesn't hurt), but that's not always the case.

Localized hyperkeratosis occurs because there is excessive pressure from improper alignment of your bones and other factors. The problem is that they are usually painful and will not be resolved if you try to file or cut the thickening yourself. Do not make the problem worse, causing an infection and better contact us. Un chiropodist An expert will carry out an adequate chiropody treatment, or will prescribe insoles. If it is a specific case, he will suggest MIS surgery (minimum incision), but he is the qualified professional to do it.

Chiropody appointment in Santa Pola

The podiatrist is in charge of performing the corresponding chiropody in case of hardening problems in the feet. A pedicurist, on the other hand, performs an aesthetic treatment where he only removes superficial calluses or calluses. But if you need to treat pathologies or eliminate the pain caused by this type of problem, contact us. A condition of this type could not only affect your feet, but also other parts of your body (pain in knees, hips, back).

Our chiropodists will perform the appropriate treatment with the least possible discomfort. They are professionals who can even detect other types of problems such as tendinitis, claw toes, diabetic foot, etc. They can apply local anesthesia if necessary. For more information, make an appointment at the Policlínica del Río Horrega, in Santa Pola. Contact us from our website by filling in the form. Or call us and book your appointment by phone / WhatsApp 648 116 134, or write to