Psychologist: couple therapy in Santa Pola

There is no such thing as the perfect couple: everyone has their ups and downs. But when the disagreements are not temporary, but are continuous or even worsen, a review is necessary. Just as you take care of your general well-being, also take care of your relationship. Things are not going to be solved just like that, but you need to do what is necessary to achieve it. But when talking is not enough or if what they do does not work, it is preferable to see a psychologist. With a psychologist specializing in couples therapy.

Should I see a psychologist to improve my relationship with my partner?

If they are fine today, not tomorrow and the cycle repeats itself, there are things that need to be improved in the relationship. If you feel that you are stuck in a conflict and have no idea how to solve it, couples therapy in Santa Pola is the solution. It does not matter if you have been in your relationship for a short time or for many years. Keep in mind that going with a psychologist in Santa Pola It's the healthiest thing they can do. Do not consider it as the last option, but as the first alternative.

It is not about a confessional or blaming each other. In couples therapy, different approaches and perspectives are looked at. It is also putting yourself in the shoes of the other and, together, knowing how to use very useful tools. These will serve to improve communication, empathy and of course, conflict resolution and management. It is not a place to judge or single out anyone, but a space for dialogue, learning.

Why go to a psychologist specialized in couples therapy?

Each person is a world, and each couple is too. There are those who manage their daily activities and particularities quite well, but there are always aspects that need to be reviewed. For example, if there are suspicions of infidelity, jealousy or mistrust. Or if there is emotional or physical distancing (intimacy problems). Even if there are difficulties in communication, frequent arguments, unresolved conflicts. Or if there are deep differences in criteria when raising children or when distributing tasks or in coexistence.

What is addressed in a couples therapy consultation?

In addition to knowing those involved, why they are there, the reasons will be determined between the couple. That is, if there is a distance, if there is an infidelity present, among others. It is not about judging any of them, nor about having favoritism. Above all, it seeks to maintain the positive aspects that each one has and what are the objectives to be achieved.

For this, different techniques can be used in couples therapy. Either communication techniques, which is one of the main reasons why couples come. How to improve the daily routine, among others.

Where to schedule a couples therapy appointment in Santa Pola

At Policlínica del Río Hortega we offer you different types of psychological therapies. In addition to couples therapy, we have family therapy, group therapy, and other psychological treatments. Do not let more time go by to help and improve your life as a couple. Contact us through our form that is on our website.