Children's Podiatry: Foot care has no age

The pediatric foot It is in a stage of continuous growth, development and training. so i can grow and develop properlyit's important to carry out studies to detect structural and functional alterations at very early ages.

conduct a biomechanical study of the footprint between 4 and 6 years, allows analyzing the movements that occur in the body during walking, in the feet, hips, knees or spine.

Un monitoring of the evolution of the footprint It can help us detect pathologies, while it can make the difference between applying one treatment or another.

Butwhen should we go to the podiatrist with our child?

The most common problems that we find in child patients are:

  • Flat feet.
  • Walk with your feet in or out.
  • Tiptoe march.
  • Deformities in the fingers (mounted, misaligned...).
  • Legs in 'X' (Genu valgus).
  • Differences in length of the lower limbs.
  • Decreased stability ⠀
  • Server's disease (heel pain)

La most problems on feet and gait can be solved by simple treatments such as adapted exercises, custom insoles and splints among others.

In the Podiatry Unit At our Clinic, we know how important the health of the feet of the little ones is, which is why we give them the love and special treatment they deserve.