Physiotherapy is not just a massage technique


What is physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is not just a massage technique, is developed through movement for therapeutic purposes, based on a good exhaustive diagnosis through imaging tests, such as radiographic, electrical and manual, the latter explored in consultation, occupied by a physiotherapist, where functionality, joint mobility is assessed , patient pain, stiffness, changes in quality of life, goals to achieve, return to sport and emotional impact, measuring the magnitude of the individual injury for each person. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH US, WE VALUE AND TREAT YOUR INJURY OR RISK PREVENTION. Contact us: 648 116 134 and find out about the other services: Aesthetic Medicine, high aesthetic, nutrition, pediatric physical therapy, obstetrics, laser depilation, chiropody, physiotherapy and rehabilitation.

Osteopathy Physiotherapy in Santa Pola

What techniques does a physiotherapist apply in consultation?

We apply manual therapy techniques, musculoskeletal mobility, dry needling, acupuncture, heat therapy in affected areas to stimulate blood or neurological circulation and thus be able to promote regeneration enrichment using our hands or complementary machinery such as radiofrequency, infrared or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). We work with functional techniques such as bandaging or kinesiotapping, additional exercises to increase muscle elongation and decrease joint stiffness in specific areas, resulting from pain. We treat and assess imaging tests such as resonances, ultrasounds, radiographs and telemetry, in addition to our palpatory tools and morphostatic analysis with functional tests.

We analyze the whole body, allowing us to assess the origin of the pain and focus the treatment from a global and partial perspective. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH US, WE VALUE AND TREAT YOUR INJURY OR RISK PREVENTION. Contact us: 648 116 134 and find out about the other services: aesthetic medicine, high aesthetics, nutrition, pediatric physiotherapy, obstetrics, laser hair removal, podiatry and physiotherapy and rehabilitation.

When should I go to the physio?

Physiotherapy is not only for people who suffer from physical disabilities or muscle pain, but it is also highly recommended for the prevention of subsequent pathologies, such as athletes, people with forced labor or high repetitive and vicious movements, degenerative diseases, trauma, migraines, sprains, post-surgery, scars, injuries and muscle and ligament tears, bruxism, and a long etc… In addition to having the pediatric physiotherapy for the little ones in the house with stimulation, congenital torticollis, infant colic, cranial flattening and accompanying the child in their natural development phases. Without forgetting the mom with the pelvic floor, prolapses, cesarean sections and much more.

If you need health prevention, feel healthy, alleviate your ailments or treatment as a result of a pathology, do not hesitate to contact us. Find us in Santa Pola, make your appointment by calling us at 648 116 134 and find out about all the services: Aesthetic medicine, high aesthetics, nutrition, pediatric and obstetric physiotherapy, laser hair removal, podiatry and physiotherapy and rehabilitation.