Taking care of the skin during pregnancy

How to take care of the skin during pregnancy?

During the period that the pregnancy, there are many things that worry us, but one of them is the dreaded spots on the skin. Furthermore, during pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes major changes caused by hormones, which will act like a true "roller coaster."

One of those changes will be the appearance of facial skin, which is likely to become more oily or just the opposite, very dry. To combat this alteration, we must use the right products for each need and some preventative facials very simple. During pregnancy is the most important time to increase the level of facial care more than usual.

Also and in all probability, you will suffer an increase in pigmentation in genital areas, armpits, nipples, scars, linea alba (the latter is called the "black line" and runs from the navel to the pubis), among others.

All these increases in pigmentation are caused by the hormones progesterone and estrogen at higher levels than normal, this causes more melanin production in the pregnant woman (pigment responsible for the color of hair, skin, and the iris of the eye). Due to that melanin, dark spots appear on the skin. (chloasma or melasma).

The most common areas that usually appear are on the face, and especially on the upper lip... These usually appear in the second or third trimester of pregnancy.

Steps to take care of the skin

All these alterations, together with sun exposure, the use of poor quality cosmetics, race or genetics, will favor these spots to appear in greater or lesser quantity/intensity. From Policlínica del Río-Hortega we will give you some guidelines for prevent their possible appearance and eliminate them in the case of inevitably appearing:

  • The first step to follow is apply sunscreen with factor 50 daily. Even if you are outdoors or walking, you should also protect yourself with hats and glasses, especially if you are in the summer (never expose yourself to the sun from 12:00 to 16:00).
  • If spots appear even when we adequately protect our face, they usually "fade out" after the birth of the baby. Unfortunately, in general, they do not usually disappear 100%. Therefore, as a solution we recommend one of our facials: E-light rejuvenation, that will help you reduce spots by activating elastin and collagen.
  • It is also advised a facial cleansing every three months. our treatment Diamond Hygienic Face, that through the diamond tip (mechanical peeling) we will exfoliate the skin in a deeper way and stimulate cell renewal, in addition to cleaning the skin so that it looks more shiny and beautiful.

In some pregnant women acne worsens and in others improves. Because it is produced by hormones, you should keep the skin cleaner and use specific creams always recommended by the specialist. Most importantly, use sun protection, so we will avoid, in addition to stains, also the scars that acne can cause.

During pregnancy the skin experiences major skin changes and we must prevent and know how to combat them to mitigate their consequences.