Cryolipolysis: The secret to fat removal

Cryolipolysis is an innovative non-surgical procedure used for the removal of localized fat in certain areas of the body and has gained popularity in recent years due to its effectiveness and minimal recovery time.

What is cryolipolysis?

Cryolipolysis is the application of controlled cold to destroy fat cells (adipocytes) without damaging the surrounding tissues. The process takes advantage of the vulnerability of fat cells to low temperatures, causing them to crystallize and break down naturally in the body. This cellular debris is then safely removed by the lymphatic system.

How does it apply?

A special applicator is used that is placed in the area to be treated. The device applies controlled cooling and gentle suction to attract and hold fat between two cooling pads. The temperature is gradually reduced, which causes the crystallization and death of fat cells. The process can last between 50 and 70 minutes, depending on the size of the area to be treated and the equipment used.

Does cryolipolysis have such good results?

They may vary depending on the individual and the area treated. Generally, fat reduction is seen after just one session. The results become more evident between 8 and 16 weeks after the treatment, since the body needs time to eliminate the destroyed fat cells. For optimal results, 3 treatment sessions are recommended.

Where can the treatment be applied?

Cryolipolysis can be used to treat various areas of the body where localized fat accumulates, such as:


● flanks

● Back

● Thighs (internal and external face, cartridge belt)

● Area under the chin (double chin)

● Lower gluteal area

● Arms

What are its advantages?

● Non-invasive: Unlike liposuction, cryolipolysis does not require surgery, anesthesia, or recovery time.

● Safe: The procedure is safe and has a low rate of side effects or complications.

● Selective: Cryolipolysis only affects fat cells and does not damage surrounding tissues.

● Long-lasting results: Once the fat cells are removed, they do not reappear in the treated area.

● High patient satisfaction: Due to its non-invasive nature, long-lasting results, and effectiveness in removing localized fat, cryolipolysis has a high rate of patient satisfaction. Many people find that treatment helps them achieve their cosmetic goals and increase their self-esteem.

● No Scars: Unlike surgical procedures, cryolipolysis requires no incisions or sutures, which means there are no visible scars or marks on the skin after treatment.

Recovery and aftercare:

Since cryolipolysis is a non-invasive procedure, recovery is generally quick and easy. Patients may experience some redness, swelling, tenderness, or numbness in the treated area, but these side effects are usually temporary and go away in a few days or weeks.

After treatment, no special care is required, and patients can resume their daily activities immediately. It is recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, to maintain the results obtained with cryolipolysis.

Despite its many benefits, cryolipolysis has some limitations. It is not a solution for obesity and it is not designed for generalized weight loss. In addition, the treatment may not be effective in cases of cellulite or loose skin, since it does not addresses the quality or elasticity of the skin.

Come meet us

At Clínica del Río-Hortega you can find different specialties designed to cover the complete care you need. Always hand in hand with the best experts in their sector. A variety of medical services that you can trust, and professionals that will make you feel at home. At our clinic in Santa Pola we love to offer you the best services and help you get the best results.

Contact us, fill out the form, and we will help you with all the tools in our hands. You can book your appointment by phone / WhatsApp 648 116 134, or write to us at We are in C/ Almirante Antequera 34, Santa Pola, Alicante.