Osteopathy is a manual medicine which takes the body as a whole. Although Osteopathy is fundamentally related to problems that affect the "bones", its main objective is to restore the disturbed balance of the body through manual techniques directed at any of the affected tissues, be they muscles, bones, viscera, nerves or others. . Osteopathy in the belief that all body systems are related and therefore disorders in one system affect the functioning of the others, for this reason, from the Physiotherapy Unit of Clínica del Río-Hortega, we treat each patient personally and as a whole, valuing all the parties involved in each process.

Osteopathy Physiotherapy in Santa Pola

Osteopathy Treatment at Clínica del Río-Hortega


How do we work osteopathy in our clinic in Santa Pola?

In the case of injuries, we always carry out treatments globally, we do not only go to the area of ​​the injury itself, but we also assess the rest of the related structures in the body such as viscera, cranial structures or the nervous system, among others. . The body is a unit, therefore osteopathic treatments are aimed at treating pain by restoring the balance of the body in general, more than the analytical.

Types of osteopathy?

  • Structural Osteopathy:

This type of osteopathy is focused on the diagnosis and treatment of dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system: bones, muscles and joints. The dysfunctions are usually in the areas that do not move (hypomobile) despite the fact that the patient reports pain in the areas that move (hypermobile).

  • Cranial Osteopathy:

The brain and skull bones move to allow cerebrospinal fluid to flow well into the brain (primary respiratory motion). Due to different circumstances (blows, stress, birth itself), this movement of the skull can be affected, giving rise to various pathologies such as headaches, dizziness or back pain, among others. However, through a series of gentle movements, we assess and treat any dysfunction that may exist at the cranial level.

  • Visceral osteopathy:

It focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of the functioning of the viscera and vital organs; stomach, pancreas or urogenital system, among others. The visceral structure also moves, each one has its specific movement, and therefore, they can also suffer restrictions in their mobility, which would cause imbalance in the body.

 Iindications of osteopathy

  • Spinal problems: low back pain, neck pain, protrusions, hernias, etc.
  • Dysfunctions of the temporomandibular joint: bruxism, noise, subluxation, etc.
  • Urogynecological disorders: constipation, reflux, incontinence or prolapse, among others.
  • Digestive disorders: constipation, heartburn, reflux, infant colic, etc.
  • Nervous system affections: paresthesias, dizziness, etc.

Normally we have pain in the areas that move the most because they are compensating for an area that does not move, which is where the real problem lies.