La Moxibustion is a therapeutic method imported from traditional chinese medicine. It is based on the application of heat on specific points of the body (they usually coincide with acupuncture points) to activate blood circulation and oxygenate the treated area.

The use of Moxibustion for physiotherapeutic purposes follows the principles of the "channel theory". This theory tells us that the body works as a system of networks where the blood and energy related to each part of the body flows. Sometimes these energies become unbalanced causing illness and pain. With this therapy we try to re-establish that energy balance.

Moxibustion Treatment at Clínica del Río-Hortega


For optimal treatment, the Artemis plant is used. It can be used in different ways:

  • Direct application: It is used with moxas (the Artemis plant is ground into a powder to burn it) that is applied to specific acupuncture points. A burn cannot be produced because when using the moxas only ¾ parts are left to burn before removing it.
  • indirect application: In this application, Artemis leaves rolled into a cigar are used. It is turned on and passed over the points that we are interested in treating, always maintaining a minimum distance between the skin and the cigar.
  • needle moxibustion: acupuncture needles are used, they are inserted into the treatment points, and a small Artemisa ball is placed at the base of the needle. In this way the heat to the body passes through the needle.

Indications for the use of Moxibustion:

  • Rheumatic pain, osteoarthritis, lumbago
  • Respiratory problems: asthma, bronchitis, etc.
  • Fluid retention, edema
  • It is especially indicated in chronic diseases.


  • When the patient reverses fever.
  • Skin infections in the area to be treated.

Moxibustion is generally used as a complement to acupuncture and physiotherapy treatments when treating the patient globally and as a whole.

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