La Kinesitherapy is the physiotherapy technique that uses movement as a form of rehabilitation of a muscle or joint injury or pathology.

This exercise produces different effects in the areas involved, such as:

  • Improves circulation, venous and lymphatic return.
  • Increased muscle tone and muscle power, especially in resisted exercises.
  • Helps to have more lax joints and improve mobility. With this we avoid stiffness and adhesions.
  • Improves coordination, balance and proprioception.

Kinesitherapy Treatment at Clínica del Río-Hortega


Depending on the patient's participation in this movement, we can divide kinesitherapy into:

Passive Kinesitherapy:

They are all the techniques that are aimed at recovering the mobility of the affected area but without any participation of the patient, they are all performed by the physiotherapist. So; We help to recover the range of joint mobility and above all to avoid adhesions.

Active Kinesitherapy:

In this case the patient participates in the movement. Depending on how that participation is, we can divide active kinesitherapy into:

  • Active assisted kinesiotherapy: when the patient needs help to complete the movement.
  • Free active kinesitherapy: when the free movement is only executed by the patient without the need for any external force. Here, the coordination between the agonist and antagonist musculature is worked on so that the movement is stable and adequate.
  • Resisted active kinesitherapy: here the patient must overcome an external force to carry out the movement, be it a force exerted by the physiotherapist or by another means such as weights, elastic bands... This therapy helps above all to improve power, volume and increase resistance and muscle capacity.

All treatments must be directed and prescribed by a physiotherapist, since it is the only way to guarantee that it is being carried out correctly. You can now request your first appointment from here

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