La Auriculotherapy It is a technique within the field of painless alternative medicine, it was originally created to treat stress and anxiety but that currently progress has been made in its study and covers the treatment of dozens of pathologies, currently being a widely used technique in physiotherapy.

What is Auriculotherapy?

This alternative therapy stems from traditional chinese medicine, but it was in France where Dr. Nogier verified its effectiveness. It was shown that the ear is a micromap of our entire body whole, it appears as in the form of a fetus in the womb; hence each part of our body is represented by a specific point on the ear. By stimulating a point on the ear, we simultaneously stimulate various nerve endings that produce an effect on the organ related to that point.

Therefore, auriculotherapy is not only used for treat but also helps us to diagnose, since when pressing the points depending on whether they are painful or not, they will inform us if there is dysfunction.

Auriculotherapy in Santa Pola.

Auriculotherapy Treatment at Clínica del Río-Hortega


Type of applications Auriculotherapy:

First we will assess the symptoms and identify the affected areas, relating the most appropriate points. To start carrying out the new treatment, we will apply pressure on the points using:

  • filiform needles: apply on the points 10-30 min.
  • intradermal needles: are placed under the skin for approximately 7 days.
  • seed patches: stick on the skin for 5 days.

In which cases can we apply it?

  • Muscle pain, sprains or fractures.
  • sciatica.
  • Joint pain
  • Digestive problems.
  • Vertigos
  • Facial paralysis.
  • Emotional problems: stress, anxiety and/or depression.

When can it not be applied?

When the skin of the ear is red or irritated and during pregnancy.

Auriculotherapy is a non-invasive, safe technique that does not cause side effects. Request your appointment.

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