Gynecology and Obstetrics. Taking care of your female intimate health


What do you know about gynecology and obstetrics?

Going to these consultations should not be a problem, quite the contrary. Whether for a general review or for a pregnancy, it is necessary to leave your intimate health in the hands of professionals in gynecology and Obstetrics. In the same way, thanks to these controls we can detect, in time, the existence of diseases and anomalies of the female intimate apparatus.

However, this visit, depending on age and needs, will be focused in one way or another.

En Río-Hortega Polyclinic we offer complete gynecological services. We cover the numerous specialties for assist the complete cycle of women, from his adolescence to the end of his life. always accompanied by best professionals in the sector.

This department is headed by doctor Velasco. And it makes use of the latest technologies for the total care of women and their safety.

Why is a Gynecological Checkup important?

The gynecological examination It is a comprehensive evaluation of the female genital tract. It consists of a breast and abdominal examination, bimanual touch, speculoscopy with cytology and ultrasound for recognition of the uterus and ovaries.

This  first check gynecological it is recommended from 25 years or once you have had sexual intercourse. Subsequently, a check must be made once a year.

For this query, an irreplaceable previous clinical history of the client, where it reflects certain background to get a good diagnosis.

Finally, these reviews are ideal for detecting in time possible diseases of the female reproductive system, preventing them from going further.


All about Family Planning and Contraceptives

From our Polyclinic in Santa Pola we perform the Family planning. Ensuring advice on the different contraceptive methods that exist and that best suit each client, as well as their programming during an intergenic period.

Similarly, el advisory of these contraceptive methods are also necessary for its correct use if they have unprotected sex. There may be risks such as the transmission of infectious diseases.

The The most common are:

  • Male condom
  • Oral hormonal contraceptives
  • vaginal ring
  • transdermal patch
  • Intrauterine device (IUD)
  • subcutaneous implant
  • Tubal ligation

What is cervical pathology and colposcopy?

All injuries and infections related to the cervix are examined and treated thanks to a Cervical Pathology.

Therefore, performing a gynecological study is essential. With it, you can get an early diagnosis of precancerous lesions of cervical cancer and prevent it from developing cervical cancer. That is, through a Via/ Villi the surface of the cervix is ​​studied with which to detect affected areas and thus perform a biopsy.

It should be noted that this technique is recommended for patients who show abnormalities in cytology, with frequent bleeding after sexual intercourse o HPV Infection, since the cervix is ​​the organ where most of the lesions caused by the virus human papilloma.

What is the pelvic floor and how to take care of it

El pelvic floor It is defined as the set of muscles and ligaments that constitute the lower part of the pelvis and what they hold el uterus, the bladder, the urethra and straight.

Its treatment would be ideal to start in adolescence incorporating healthy habits. However, women start to worry when certain symptoms appear, such as urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, or sexual dysfunction. Also, in the period of pregnancy. 

This last stage is perfect to start in physiotherapy. Since it is focused on strengthen the perineum and prepare for childbirth. Also, during the puerperium it is good to continue with these exercises.

Depending on each case, the treatment varies, and can be treated from physiotherapy sessions even more serious cases, with surgical intervention.

Do you know breast pathology?

El breast cancer It is the most common tumor in women in Spain. However, thanks to early diagnosis and improved treatments, its mortality has decreased significantly. It's more, in initial stages they have a survival close to 100%.

With a self exploration the situation and normality of the breasts is made known and note any unusual alteration. If they appear irregularities that we detect should be treated by a professional in gynecology.

These are some of the signs to go to a consultation:

  • palpation of lumps or mass on the chest or armpit
  • Secretions spontaneous by the nipple
  • induration o redness from the mom
  • Retraction of the nipple
  • Pain persistent in the bosom

How do I know if I have menopause?

Menopause is a period comprised between the 45 and 55 years on average what all women go through. This cessation of ovarian activity usually warns with previous "menstrual disorders" until its end.

It is important to identify the main signs to improve the quality of life at this stage. They are the following:

  • Hot flushes
  • Mood swings
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Sleep disturbances

Detect the symptoms of Vaginal Infections

The vaginal infections They are due to the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms in the vaginal flora. Therefore, it is very important and necessary go to a gynecologist as soon as any of these symptoms appear in the intimate area:

  • vaginal itching
  • Burning and genital inflammation
  • Alterations in the color, quantity and odor of the vaginal discharge
  • Pain when urinating (dysuria)
  • Discomfort in sexual relations (dyspareunia)

Do you have Menstrual Disturbances?

Menstrual disturbances They are a very common reason in women. These consist of bleeding or absence of the monthly period.

The cycle should last between 25 and 30 days with a bleeding of 2 to 7 days. Therefore, it is normal that the first years of its beginning the cycles are not completely regular, since they are anovulatory cycles.

You should see your gynecologist if you have:

  • rules superior to 8 days
  • Cycles less than 21 days or greater than 45
  • derivative bleeding of relationships sexuales
  • Spotting. breakthrough bleeding with contraceptives
  • Amenorrhea (absence of period) greater than 3 months
  • Absence of the rule at 16 years

We accompany you in your pregnancy (Obstetrics)

If your current situation is trying to get pregnant or you are already pregnant, we recommend a comprehensive monitoring of obstetrics until the end of this stage.

Our Del Río-Hortega Polyclinic, it does that complete follow-up for you. It is very important to control and supervise all moments before delivery, as well as after it, in order to guarantee the well-being of the mother and the future baby.

This unit is based on three query types:

  • preconceptional
  • During pregnancy
  • Postpartum

As we have previously commented, we seek your well-being and that of the baby, therefore, the obstetric physiotherapy They will greatly help you to get more prepared for childbirth. Consequently, that tu recuperación in the most affected areas faster until it reaches its usual operation.

Treatments for pregnant women at Policlínica del Río-Hortega

The first preconception phase of obstetrics

The preconceptional consultation happens before the state of pregnancy. A first opinion is necessary to evaluate the health of the woman and the risk that can cause you to stay in state.

Your goal is analyze the female reproductive system, rule out pathologies, perform an analysis to control the imbalances of a pregnancy. Finally, guide you through eating guidelines and healthier lifestyle habits to follow.

Monitoring your future baby

Consultations during pregnancy are the most beautiful stage for the mother. Therefore, so that everything goes well, and that the baby develops correctly, we perform a meticulous and detailed monitoring during the different phases of the 9 months. In addition, to mark the guidelines you must follow throughout that time.

Postpartum, last consultations

Postpartum. The last stage of obstetrics. Once we have given birth, many questions about him care, usually, of our baby 

After childbirth, it is still necesario make an rEvision with our gynecologist, because it is necessary to confirm that our intimate areas found recovered after this period of pregnancy.

Emphasize that there is a possibility that after childbirth appear certain hormonal imbalances or variations in our body. Another reason why you should go to your gynecologist to be able to solve it as quickly as possible.

In our Clinic in Santa Pola We seek your well-being and health. For this reason, we have full gynecology and obstetrics services so that you feel safe at all times. For this, we work with highly qualified professionals who can help you during the different periods as a woman.

Contact us from our website and fill the form. You can book your appointment by phone / WhatsApp 648 116 134, or write to us at We are at C/ Almirante Antequera 34, Santa Pola, Alicante.